Dr ABC( The candidate wants to hide his/her identity) finished her DNB in Radiodiagnosis from Max hospital, Mohali, Punjab.
What is the cutoff rank for your college?
~200 for primary and around 70 for secondary
No of residents/batch?
Two primary + Two secondary
What are the usual working hours?
8am- 5pm.
8am- 5pm.
How frequent do you get emergency duty/24 hour duties?is there any post duty ""off""?
emergency duty 8 am to 8 pm weekly once.
no post duty off instead next day duty 11 o clock
emergency duty 8 am to 8 pm weekly once.
no post duty off instead next day duty 11 o clock
No of beds your hospital has?
What do you do as 1st year,IInd year and IIIrd year?
1 st yr xray
2nd 3yr usg ct mr alternate
Is there any useless work for residents?
Fill forms
Do procedures
Consent forms
Reports for intervention
What are the different modalities available?
One DR allenger
One CR with Fuji
Two portable allenger
Usg two portable
One DR allenger
One CR with Fuji
Two portable allenger
Usg two portable
Ealsto only liver
Mammography - available
CT 16 slice one GE
1.5T MRI
Combined CT and MR 20-30 scans per day average but may change
Mammography - available
CT 16 slice one GE
1.5T MRI
Combined CT and MR 20-30 scans per day average but may change
How much is the stipend for Ist year, iind year and IIIrd year?
44, 46,48k for first, second and third year fro primary candidate and 65k/Month for secondary.
Is there any compulsory bond service?
Accommodation provided by the hospital?