6 Articles

Hansens disease With lesions and madriosis

Hansens diseaseWith lesions and madriosis...

By Dr. Pavan Kumar

spot 5

   History- A  2 and half year old child with bowing of both legs.WEISMANN-NETTER SYNDROME. Clinical Features:1) Dwarfism....

By Dr. Pavan Kumar

spot 4

Right sided aortic arch...

By Dr. Pavan Kumar

spot 3

A 50 yrs seropositive male presented with  diarrhoea since 3 months and rectal bleeding since 7 days.CYTOMEGALOVIRUS COLITISCytomegalovirus colitis is one of the most common and potentially serious opportunistic pathog...

By Dr. Pavan Kumar

spot 1

OPG (Orthopantomogram) showing PERIAPICAL RADICULAR CYST at the apex of cairous left lower third molar .An odontogenic cyst of inflammatory origin that is preceded by a chronic periapical granuloma.It is a liquid...

By Dr. Pavan Kumar

Instruments and cathetors spotters - For exam going radiologists

Courtesy - Dr samjay Hire...

By Dr. Pavan Kumar