Dr Pramodini has done her DMRD in BJ Medical college pune and doing secondary DNB in jaslok hospital mumbai.
There are 2 primary DNB seats and 2 secondary DNB seats(total-4)
The usual working hour is morning 9am to 8-10pm at night depending on the posting, xray is light, usg is busier, whereas CT, MRI takes longer.
In the first year there will be alternate day ED. In second and third year we have 8-9 emergency duties/month.
stipend is 52k,53k,54k for first, second and third year respectively.
Modalities -
CR and DR - available
USG 5+3 portal=8.
CT -128 slice GE .(good number of scans, almost like government hospital). spiral and dual energy CT.
MRI - 2 MRI machines (1.5 tesla and 3 tesla)(around 15-20 scans/day)
PET scan.
Renowned faculty
Dr S.B desai is a fellow in MRI, intervention radiology. perform ultrasound guided interventions.
Accomadation at the cost of - 10000/year.
Food - cantene facility is available.