My cases:
Case 1: 24y/f chest x-ray given multiple Large opacities with internal calification and cavitation
Then CT chest and upper abdomen given- disseminated tuberculosis
TB is dd for every lesion in India
Case 2- Retroperitoneal fibrosis IVP... Causes of RPF and where methysergide( medical use)
then CT given. Deffernece between benign and malignant caused
Case 3: x ray foot AP and Lateral and then CT given-Macrodystrophia lipomatosis
I couldn't diagnose on xay
But on CT finally could make it out
Case 4: 62 y/f CT and MRI given
Lesion located in frontotemporal region well defined extraxial hyperdense with few specks of calification
I presented as meningioma
On MRI turned out as trigeminal nerve schwannoma arising from Meckels cave
Spotter- not that much easy...most of the spotter had multiple images in films
Table viva- topics were.
Pcpnct records, Meaning of AA,
Size of outside board display,
Level of RSO,
Catheters, how much pressure used in balloon angioplasty, collimeters, differences between recent and old collimeters, what is special about PCPNCT act, means how it differs from other act??