Medial meniscus: Posterior horn shows intrameniscal changes not communicating to the articular surface.No tear.
Lateral Meniscus: No tear.
Anterior cruciate ligament: No tear.
Posterior cruciate ligament: No tear.
Medial collateral ligament: Grade I sprain seen.
Lateral collateral ligament: No tear.
Biceps femoris and ilio tibial tract: are normal.
Bone: Femoral / tibial condyles and patella are normal.
Joint: Moderate joint effusion.
Popliteal fossa: Baker’s cyst seen with thin septations measuring ~ 27mm and 39mm.
Periarticular soft tissues edema seen along the medial pre patellar region.
Articular cartilage:
1. Medial compartment: Focal articular cartilage loss (11x9mm) along the medial femoral condyle. Increased T2 values along the superficial layers of the cartilage.