- There is evidence of narrowing of the contrast flow noted at the operative site at the level of C7- T1 [post cricoid region]. However no obvious contrast stasis noted. There is no evidence of leakage of barium at the anastomotic site.
- There is evidence of long segment stricture of the esophagus from T7-T8 level involving the lower part of the middle third and the distal third of the esophagus as evidenced by the contrast pooling at T7-T8 level. However thin stream of contrast noted passing distally joining the ? duodenum.
- The stomach is pulled up with straightening of the gastroduodenal junction.
- Free flow of contrast noted through the gastric pull up. Evidence of a narrowing noted in the gastric pull up at its distal end. However distal flow of the contrast noted.
Post gastric pull up with oesophagogastrostomy status, present study reveals
1. Narrowing at the operative site at the level of C7- T1 [post cricoid region] - ? Early stricture
2. Long segment stricture of lower part of middle third and the distal third of the esophagus.
1. Narrowing at the operative site at the level of C7- T1 [post cricoid region] - ? Early stricture
2. Long segment stricture of lower part of middle third and the distal third of the esophagus.