A number of predisposing factors for development of dural sinus thrombosis (DST) are recognized including :intracranial infection, adjacent to a dural sinus (e.g., mastoiditis)compression by tumordehydrationpregnancy and the puerperiumhypercoagulable states
As a result of obstruction of a sinus, there is back-pressure of blood in the cerebral veins, which leads to hypoxia of cerebral tissue and even to hemorrhage. Complications of untreated dural sinus thrombosis can also include cerebral infarction due to retrograde extension of thrombus into cerebral veins. The development of specific and effective treatments for dural sinus thrombosis make early, accurate diagnosis increasingly important.
As a result of obstruction of a sinus, there is back-pressure of blood in the cerebral veins, which leads to hypoxia of cerebral tissue and even to hemorrhage. Complications of untreated dural sinus thrombosis can also include cerebral infarction due to retrograde extension of thrombus into cerebral veins. The development of specific and effective treatments for dural sinus thrombosis make early, accurate diagnosis increasingly important.